AF = Aunt Flo (your period)
BBT = Basal Body Temperature
BD = Bed Down or Baby Dance (literally means having sex)
BFN = Big Fat Negative (negative pregnancy test)
BFP = Big Fat Positive (positive pregnancy test!!!!)
CD = Cycle Day (with day 1 being the first day of your period)
CM = Cervical Mucus
DD = Dear Daughter (your baby girl/female child)
DF, DH, DP = Dear Fiancé, Dear Husband, Dear Partner
DPO = Days Past Ovulation (counting day 0 as the day of ovulation)
DS = Dear Son (your baby boy/male child)
DTD = Doing the Dance/Deed (also means having sex)
DW = Dear Wife
FMU = First Morning Urine
HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone)
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
LH = Luteinizing Hormone (ovulation hormone)
O = Ovulation
O’d = Ovulated
OPK = Ovulation Predictor Kit
POAS = Pee On A Stick (taking ovulation or pregnancy tests)
TTC = Trying To Conceive
2WW = Two Week Wait (the time between ovulation and your next period, when you’re waiting to take a pregnancy test)

And lastly, “Babydust,” which means sending good luck and best wishes to those trying to conceive a precious little baby 🙂

*Babydust to all*


We all want to have control, especially when it comes to family. Creating a miniature version of yourself or your partner, I get it. I felt the same way when we began planning for our family. But once the baby gets here, you’ll see. They will decide who they are, what toys they play with, what sports they are interested in (if any), the clothes they wear, the friends they have, and the decisions they make I can’t help you with who they will turn out to be in life. That remains undetermined. Although I can’t guarantee that you’ll conceive the sex of your choice, what I can do is teach you how to dramatically increase your chances of conceiving a girl or a boy, by using *The Babydust Method.*

Several methods for influencing the sex of babies have been proposed over the years. In *The Babydust Method* ebook, I will explain those methods in detail, why each of them is flawed, why *The Babydust Method* is highly effective, and how you can use this completely natural method to more accurately choose the sex of your baby.

*Babydust to all*


In western society, there is a strong preference for sex balancing, that is, maintaining a proper ratio of boys to girls in a family. It’s no surprise that a mother of 5 girls would yearn for a little boy to add some masculinity to her brood. A father of all boys might want to have that special father-daughter relationship he’s been missing. Researchers have theorized that the size of families might change if the sexes of their children had been controlled. Many couples want to have at least one boy and at least one girl. Having more children than is desired, just to have one of each sex, puts a strain on families. Therefore, utilizing sex-selection methods can promote marital and familial harmony 🙂

So go ahead and start charting today! Follow the guidelines in the ebook, *The Babydust Method* and increase your chances of having a girl or a boy 🙂

*Babydust to all*


I’m encouraging you now to think about why you want a girl or a boy. Do you want to dress your daughter up in cute outfits and bows and play dolls with her? Do you want to watch football with your son and wrestle with him? I can’t promise your child will do any of that My daughter pulls the bows out of her hair one minute after I put them in. My son has no interest in even catching a ball, let alone sitting down to watch a football game. We’re only talking about the sex here, not the gender. The sex of your baby only pertains to which sexual organs your baby will have and how your baby will procreate one day.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to choose your child’s sex. I wanted a boy first, then a girl, and I got exactly that! I’m so happy I have one of each. I want every other mom and dad out there to have that same feeling 🙂

*Babydust to all*


Sex. I know, it’s just as weird for me to type it as it is for you to read it. But, we’re gonna talk about it–a lot. It’s the focus of this whole website! No, I don’t mean the actual sex you’ll be having with your partner to conceive your baby. I mean “sex” as in girl or boy. And I don’t mean “gender.” Let’s clear up the confusion right now. Sex refers to the physical characteristics and genetic makeup of a person, whereas gender refers to a person’s behavior, social interaction with others, and role in society. Throughout this website, we will use the term sex instead of gender. The reason I’m making a hard distinction is because it is the crux of this discussion.

Of course it feels more comfortable to say, “Did you find out your baby’s gender yet?” rather than “Did you find out the sex of the baby?” but really sex is the only accurate term to be used when discussing the genetic makeup and physical characteristics of your baby. Just a little PSA to my Babydusters 🙂

*Babydust to all*